Oscar Sanchez
When I decided I wanted to showcase the real live faces of NYC and highlight the stylish people that are the heartbeat of the city. I knew I wanted to reach out to the amazing style I saw marching up and down Manhattan streets. I also knew the very 1st person I wanted to grace my page was going to be this sweet spirit I had the pleasure of meeting a little over a year ago. Oscar Sanchez walked into my then place of employment and immediately turned my head. His style will catch your eye, but it was his energy that caught mine.
Name : Oscar
Age: 23
Home: Brooklyn, NY
QD: What 3 words describe your personal style?
Oscar: I’d say Organic , Transitional , Edgy
QD: What inspires you?
Oscar: I get inspired by everything, but mostly color palettes. Sometimes I see a building and I like the colors, so I’ll decide to put an outfit together that follows that same color palette, mostly monochrome.
QD: I love that! How would you define personal style? What is personal style to you?
Oscar: My own personal style is extremely curated, and very experimental at the same time. I’m always playing with new fabrics and genderless clothing items. Also focusing on the fit and the color palette is major to me.
QD: So who would you say are your favorite designers and why?
Oscar: My favorite designer right now is...I can’t pick one!!There are so many, but if I had to narrow it down, I loved Alejandra Alfonso Rojas for a while, she is pure femininity. I feel fashion is finally entering a genderless era, so I’m currently obsessed with Palomo Spain, Chakshyn, and Delpozo just to mention a few.
QD: Amazing! You’ve given me a few new names to look up and get familiar with! Tell me, what style advice would you give younger you?
Oscar: I would tell my younger self to keep looking for the right fit pair of jeans! It’s so hard for me to find the right jeans! I’m currently wearing high waisted mom jeans and they are so comfortable. Definitely comfomfort, I’d tell my younger self to always look for comfort in clothing.
QD : I feel you on the jeans, my never ending struggle! But I love that answer, always find the comfort. Ok Oscar before we wrap up , tell me what is your most treasured/ favorite piece in your closet and why?
Oscar: My favorite piece will always be my Saint Laurent envelope bag! It was my first designer bag, and it goes with everything! Oh and I’d also say this pair of red high-waisted pants I found at a thrift store in Paris! I bought two pairs just in case!
QD: Ha! I love it! Thank you so much Oscar for being my 1st style spotlight! You’re amazing! You can follow Oscar’s curated sense of style on his personal Instagram : @drycleanonlynyc